Laura over at Laura Williams' Musings gave me the Nice Matters Award! I am feeling pretty darn special at this moment!

“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."
Now I need to pass this on to 7 people I feel are deserving of this award - which really, I'd be pretty content to just give it out to everyone I read, but here goes.
1. Well, I would completely give it right back to Laura because she is really nice too! I learn a lot of neat things at her blog (I often go back and read archives a bit at a time because I just know something in there is going to be useful and/or wonderful to read) and as a bonus get to enter a lot more contests than normal since she lists lots of them each day! LOL!
2. I have to give this to Hind's Feet - who has a great blog and is awesome to do our Bible Study with. This woman is not only nice, but wise and has lots she is teaching me - probably without realizing she is!
3. Anna at Lullabies and Lace Crochet has to get one as well. Because not only is she nice, but she makes really pretty things and she has a thing for Anne of Green Gables. So really, we must be kindred spirits! Which means she must be nice, which means she must be given this award
4. CDPJ at Charming and Delightful because well she is really nice, I like her blog and she single handedly is the reason my etsy store even still exists. In fact I have joked with her I might just have to rename it CDPJ's T-Shirt Supplier. Soon she might even move by me an then I'll have to
5. Happy Momma from Our Happy Home who is very nice and has a great blog full of lots of adventures! Trust me when I say she is nice and I love visiting her blog and reading her comments to me!
6. Dameslfy at Growing A Life who is also very nice. And has some really good fashion sense (I admit that What I'd Wear Wednesday is what hooked me to her blog initially!) And, well, Flybaby seems like a pretty neat kid too! I might add he is turning one tomorrow, so run over there and send him some good birthday wishes!
7. I can't forget Lu over at Hyeractive Lu, because really she is responsible for a lot of good changes around here lately. Plus she gave away a really a cool gift and I won it, so that makes her really nice! And she's funny and cute - and has really good fashion sense for her son (and I don't just say that because Little Man and her son have a lot of the same tops LOL!)
In all honesty, I could keep on going with this list. But I will play by the rules and give these 7. But really, if you are reading this or if I have ever left a comment on your blog, well, I am probably thinking you should get this too! =)
Wow!!! Thanks so much for the award! You are such a sweetheart. And I never knew you liked Anne of Green Gables like I do. I always felt like we were kindred spirits too, but now I know for SURE that we are. :) Hugs to you!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you so much. How ... nice! You totally deserve this award. I'm really glad you enjoy the WIWW posts.
ReplyDeleteWell now, you have just made my head so big that I need to rush off and pop it with a pin!
ReplyDeleteActually, that helps to hear that and to know that God does indeed use me. I pray that I can, along with you, continue to be a useful piece of clay in the Master Potter's hands!
Blessings, Kim
Oh wow! You are so sweet! I appreciate all your encouragement and kind words! :) Hubbie and I have definitely enjoyed our giveaway and reading your blog to see who far you've come! :) Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU! My first award! My husband says I am an offical blogger now! HAHA! I was so excited, thank you again for flattering me!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a sweetie and so deserving of the award!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for re-awarding me! :)