Sunday, September 03, 2006


Today I went shopping. I bought supplies to make Halloween costumes for the girls. They will be fairies - one is a winter fairy and one will be a summer fairy.
Now I just have to finish the 387,234,457,235,109,345,092 things I have started but not yet finished.

Tomorrow should be a big work day for me tomorrow on said projects. With luck I will finish at least 3 of them and make good progress on a fourth. That will be good. Dh will be home to help me out. Which is good, because tomorrow is about the last day until November that dh will be home and not have to work or already have other plans going on. ::sigh:: It's going to be a long time between now and November. I am already dreading it a lot!

But tomorrow, I will appreciate having him around and use it to the best of my ability to get some things completed!

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