Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My hair on my terms .....

So later today I will go in for my first round of chemotherapy. I admit, I'm nervous about the side effects. I know they will try to prevent as many as they can - but I also know that I don't often respond to medicine as it's always predicted. So there is a small fear I will come home and be nauseous, uncomfortable, have other stomach trouble, etc, etc.

But the truth is that I'm most terrified of losing my hair. My hair. I actually kind of like my hair. No, I really do love my hair. And in about 2-4 weeks it will all be falling out. And I absolutely hate the idea of my hair falling out. Also, it will probably be messy or something like that and just annoying and oh, did I mention I really hate that my hair will be falling out. Because, yeah. I don't want to lose my hair. And if I could prevent it, I would. In a heartbeat.

So with that in mind, I decided I'm losing my hair on my own terms. And as long as my hair is coming out, I'm going to have fun with it. Because, well, mostly because I can! So last night, I took the proverbial bull by the horn and decided I would be in charge of my hair during this time ... not cancer.

Enter Samantha - a lovely girl who came to my mom's to do my hair

And first we bleached my hair
which seems totally shocking - well at least to me.

But we weren't done there.

And all of that together, allows me to look like this:


Seriously, I'm in love with my hair. I'm so absolutely in love with my hair. I can't believe I've never done anything like that before in my life {Until now, I had highlights put in about 12 years ago and until now that's it!}.

So there you go. Cancer is NOT going to be in charge of my hair. It's MY hair. And I'm in charge of it.

Of course, up next in the hair department will be a complete head shaving. I'm thinking maybe a mohawk for a day or so. I mean, I've never had a mohawk (other than when I was like 7 years old and did it with too much shampoo in the bathtub). We'll see. I have a couple weeks to decide. But don't worry, I'll keep you all posted ;-)


  1. Whooo! Way to go, Brandie! I wonder if you can make cool hair extensions or something out of all that awesome colour when you decide it's coming off?! Wouldn't that be cool? We could all be wearing red or purple extensions made from your hair. :D

  2. Outstanding!!! I love the new colors. you're going to be quite the center of attention come Saturday. Wouldn't have it any other way.

  3. FABULOUS!!! You look gorgeous in pink :) Love, Robin

  4. I love love love it! Not the hair (although I do love that as well, it looks awesome) but the fact that you are taking control. I'm so amazed by you and think you are so strong and powerful!! I mean that! Also, please,please do a mohawk!!! I SO love that idea! :)

    Praying for you!

    P.S. this is CandidK from Twitter. ;)

  5. I just found you through Candid K! I have to say that you rock! I am going to be following your journey and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! And you know, as much as you love your hair, it is hair, you are fighting that nasty C word, and your hair will come roaring back, just like you! Love the colors! Fight this fight with spunk and spirit and know that there are a lot of people out here in the universe rooting for you!

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Just found your blog and looovve the hair! You have the power to beat this! The journey is tough, but with support and strength you will do this!
    My thoughts and support are with you!

  7. LOVE it! I like Fawn's idea of making extensions or clips for people to wear in your honor.

    I think you look good with the light color, AND with the pink and purple. :D

    I also like the idea of the mohawk - I HAVE to see that one....

  8. I LOVE IT! Its bold and awesome- just like you. I'm looking forward to seeing your next hair transformation!

  9. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I originally found your blog thru Lou & have been reading along...You look marvelous. Best of vibes to you. ~Mary

  10. I was expecting pink and purple stripes!! I Still love it & am so proud of you for doing it!! Awesomeness!

  11. Anonymous8:34 AM

    You are so awesome, Brandie! LOVE the pink & purple. You're probably wishing you'd done it years ago, huh?! You are an inspiration and we're all rooting for you. May the love you feel carry you through. xo Chris, San Diego

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    hair looks great! way to have fun with it:) many prayers, jen

  13. Girl I am soooooo digging ya hair! Before you do the mohawk, you should shave one side & add heart or letter there. Whatever you do next just be sure to post pictures please :)

  14. Hi Brandie,
    I just had you in my heart this morning. Hope you were able to feel OK this weekend and enjoy celebrating Father's Day. What a wonderful husband you have...

  15. A mohawk would ROCK. I love you, honey. And I adored Eric, too. I knew he was cute from pics, but his personality and cuteness together make him just adorable. Tell him the bloggers all agreed that he's ALMOST as cool as you are. :)


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