Monday, November 01, 2010

Uneventful week

So about a week and a half ago, I started to get sick. I didn't think much of it, probably just a little cold. No biggie.
Except, within 3 days it had completely kicked my butt about all I could do was lay and cough. And cough and sleep. So that's pretty much how I spent almost every day last week - except Friday. Which made for quite some week - considering when it started, Halloween costumes weren't finished and my oldest turned 11 on Thursday.
Anyway, that's why I was so quiet around here. But here's hoping we are done with illness in this house. So far this fall, my oldest had pneumonia, my youngest's asthma has gone nutso, my middle had whooping cough and bronchitis, I had bornchitis and my hubs had some virus. Seriously, isn't that enough to last several years at least?


See, that's my kitchen counter right now - look at all those meds! Insane. But, at least we're keeping our closest drug store in business ;-)

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