Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hey Everyone

Hey everyone. I'm at my oldest's diving lessons right now. Later we will head to grannie's house to celebrate her birthday. I'm feeling really emotional today. I'm sure it has much to do with the fact that I am quite short on sleep and my period will start any minute (which for me is a lethal combination on my emotional status). And yet it feels like we've been through 10 years since January.
So much has happened - both good and bad. It's been an emotionally draining year for me so far and for whatever reason it is all hitting me today. Anyway, I'll call in tonight on my way to work. It will be the last time this year and so another chapter of me year ends tonight. As much as I have been looking forward to this all month long, I admit I'm a bit sad about it as well!
Okay, enough rambling for now - her class is about to end!

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