Monday, February 13, 2012

A small break ....

My dear readers ... I'm going to take a break from the blog for a few days. Maybe even for a few weeks. We'll see.

It's nothing bad ... I just feel like I need a break from blog writing right now. I'll try to check in on facebook, so if you aren't already, follow me here. =)



  1. Will miss you, but hope you continue to check in on Facebook. You ok?

  2. totally understand. I've sort of taken a Twitter break...these things just suck all the time out of us, don't they?

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Will be thinking of you Brandie and hoping that with time you continue to feel stronger and back to your old self. xo Chris, San Diego

  4. I'm so bummed! I just found your blog and and was thrilled to find a fellow knitting SAHM! Hope you get the break you need, but selfishly hope to see you back on the scene too... ;)


Seeing your comments makes me smile! Thank you so much =)