December has been a crazy month around here. I think, though, most everyone was busy and so I'm fairly certain that my lack of posting was completely unnoticed, which made me even lazier to come over and say hi!
That said, I hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season!
Here, at our house, we had a good Christmas, which was good. Outside of that, life has been hectic and crazy and not so wonderful, but there is something about Christmas that just made me smile.
We did not do all the normal Christmas traditions around these parts ... I didn't bake more than a couple cookies. I didn't make any (but two) presents, the house wasn't as decorated as I would have liked. My energy levels just seem to go down with each passing day - but we did have some fun.
Then on Sunday night, my darling husband drove us all around so we could see the lights around town. He was a good sport considering I'm pretty sure it wasn't the number one thing he wanted to be doing. I really wanted to go, but I wasn't feel well, so he stepped in and drove.
We did this two Christmases ago with the kids. We just get in the car and drive around, no rhyme or reason and look at how houses have decorated. I remember doing this a few times with my grandparents as a child and really wanted to share it with my kids too.
And of course, Christmas was spent with family. On Christmas eve, we get together with my husband's family. On Christmas day, we wake up here, do our presents and then early afternoon we head on over to my mom's house. I love it. Hanging out, relaxing, chatting with others, some game playing. It's awesome =)
All of this to say, despite all the craziness going on - my exhaustion, husband working too much, trying to make sure all the presents were bought and wrapped and ready to go, it was a good Christmas over here. I hope, despite whatever is going on in your life, it was a good holiday for you as well!