At the start of this year, or even maybe at the end of last year, I was contacted to see if I wanted a review copy of the book Crochet Saved My Life by Kathryn Vercillo. Yes, I am a terrible blogger, because only almost a year later I am ready to tell you all about this book. I still struggle with reading, especially non-fiction, so this book was difficult for me to get through {not because of the writing though, merely because of my brain}, but I figured, better late than never? And also, this book touched me in such a good way.
I'm sure for those of you who know me, you'll know why I jumped at a chance to get my hands on Crochet Saved My Life. Granted, I mostly knit, but in my world, knitting and crochet are cousins - different and yet related and both wonderful. I've written before about how knitting has been a grounding force in my life and something that helps me get through the tough times (here and here). On some days knitting feels like my lifeline. This book made me feel not alone in that.
Crochet Saved My Life explores how crochet can help people through tough times - mentally, emotionally, and physically. However, it does not say that crochet is the end all, be all. The book revolves around people's stories with some studies and facts thrown in. Vercillo recommends crochet (or knitting, or whatever is your thing) during hard times, not as a cure - but as something that can help you along with any treatments or medicines your doctors are giving you.
As a bonus, in addition to connecting me to these wonderful personal stories, the back of the book has some mindfulness exercises for crocheters. It also includes some finger/wrist stretches. I've used both and found them very helpful, especially when I'm feeling extra stressed or anxious.
Overall, I just really loved this book so very much. It resonated so much with me and made me feel less strange for relying on my knitting in hard times. I think, even though the focus is on crochet, anyone who works with this their hands (knitting, hand sewing, etc) will feel a connection to this book, to the stories, to the people in it. I highly recommend this book and encourage you to read it. I do have a warning though ... as you read it, it will make you want to pick up your yarn and hook and start to crochet!
I'll leave you with a few of my favorite quotations from the book. Parts that stood out extra to me, that I felt like I could have said myself!
"...part [of why it's relaxing] is thinking about who will receive the end product. It's difficult to be worried when you're thinking about how someone else is going to enjoy your handmade item" ~ Martha Stone
"When I crochet I don't think about how my body is now broken; I think about how I can create something beautiful and useful with my hook and either yarn or threat." ~Vicki Sulfaro
"The colors and feel of the yarn made me feel like I was home and that I fit once again and the pleasant click of my favorite red, aluminum hook against my wedding ring as I hook the yarn that weaves through my fingers is audible, tactile and grounding. There is no room for worry, for grieving, for regret, for analyzing when I focus on one stitch at a time. The process of healing take precedence." ~ Nessa
I had to stop working at a job that I have had for 27 years. I started crocheting again & it saves my soul every day.I can't do much of anything else because of a back that has been destroyed by hard work, but crocheting has brought such joy!