I never intended to disappear, but as Christmas edged closer I realized I had more and more I needed to do and not enough time to do it all in.
I haven't finished making all my gifts - I ran out of time, but I have all but one thing for today and tomorrow done - and that is definitely good news. It also means on the 26th and 27th I'll be busy making and sewing and creating!
I will be posting pictures of things in the coming week - in an attempt to make up for my absence. For now, I'll share 3 of my projects - our Christmas Eve jammies.
Every year my kids get new pajamas to wear for Christmas. Last year was the first year I made them for the kids.
When I was growing up, my mom did the same thing. I always knew I was getting new jams for Christmas. One year, I got a beautiful blue nightgown. I loved it. And I love having memories like that!
I hope my kids look back and someday love getting these jammies. For now, the older two are very vocal about loving this tradition. And that makes my heart just swell up with love!
I hope all of you have a very merry Christmas and make lots of wonderful new memories =)
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