Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thank you!

Well today is the big day. In just a few hours we'll be heading over to the hospital in the first step to kicking cancer's @ss!! =)

Anyway, before I go, I just want to thank you all so very much. All the lovely comments, prayers, thoughts, stories shared, hugs - all of it. I am holding it all in my heart and I know it will help me get through everything I need to get through!!

I am hoping that someone (my husband or my mom) will be able to get on in the next 24 hours to leave some sort of update for everyone.

For now, xoxoxo to all of you. And thank you ever so much!


  1. Hey Brandie!

    You don't know me but I'm a friend of Deborah King, she told me your story. I want you to know that I'm thinking of you today, sending you love, strength and positive healing energy. You sound like a wonderful lady, keep fighting!


  2. Good luck with your surgery! Found you via Louceel. Will carry you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.

  3. Good Luck Brandie! Kick some cancer azz!

  4. I'm visiting from Kim @ Hormone Colored Days and wanted to add my good wishes and healthy vibes. It seems odd that the strength of strangers can help us heal from afar, but I know it helped my preemie twins. I hope it helps you, too.

  5. Hey Brandie, Kelcey sent me over and I just wanted to tell you that I just prayed for you today. Much love and many spiritual bandaids xxoo

  6. Stopping in via apples in wonderland. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  7. I heard about your surgery from Kelcey and wanted to let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers today.

  8. Brandie, I am sending you a ton of thoughts and prayers today and throughout forever. Thinking about you and your family.

  9. I'll be thinking about you all day. Love you.

  10. Give 'em HELL and give Cancer the what for!

    A Stranger

  11. Thinking about you today!!!!

    Kick butt! xoxo

  12. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Hi Brandie,
    Heard about your story from kelcey kintner...Please know that my prayers are with you and your family! You are so Blessed to have found the cancer when you did!
    God Bless,

  13. Kelsey Kleiman10:19 AM

    Sending love and strength to you today! And,yes, you don't know me I found you through MamaBird Diaries.

  14. praying for you today!!!!!

  15. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hi Brandie,
    You don't know me, Kelsey Kintner sent me over. I will be thinking of you today and sending prayers and positive thoughts your way. Here's to a speedy recovery.
    God Bless you,

  16. Sending you light on your journey. <3

  17. Good luck today! Found you via Mama Bird Diaries and wishing you lots of luck, energy and stamina to kick cancer's butt!

  18. I don't know don't know me. But I wanted to come give you some love and let you know that my heart is full of prayers that I am sending your way. Will be thinking of you as you kick cancer...pulling for you all along the way! God Bless! :)

  19. Hi Brandie! I'm a 2+ year breast cancer survivor and mom to 4. Kelcey sent me. I'm also inventor of Pink Pockets which are designed to hold those gawdawful drains. I had 4 for 10 days after my bilateral mastectomy and they really stink. Can I send you some? If so, just send me an email at and I'll hook you up. Prayers to you and your family. Best wishes. I've been there.

  20. I'm thinking of you and sending LOTS of prayers and good thoughts your way. I know you'll "kick cancer's @$$". You're a strong, amazing woman and the world is a better place for having you in it.

    I'll talk to you soon, my friend.

  21. coming over from mamad. good luck today. all the best.

  22. Kelcey sent me over here. Sending you light and love today and everytime I think of you!! I know you will triumph!

  23. HELLO! Big, big, BBBBBIG huge to you. Deb (from Apples in Wonderland) sent me. I love the picture she has of you in the cute shirt. Sorry about what you are going through, but Bravo for your spirit and attitude!

  24. found you from deborah....
    just wanted to send you major, major healing hugs today.
    hope all goes well with the surgery and you're well on your way to beating this monster.
    you can DO it!!!!

  25. Good luck and lots of love, Brandie!

  26. Lou's post brought me to your blog. My sister has been where you are now and she came through with flying colors. My prayers are with you.

  27. Hi Brandie -

    I'm here via Steph at Adv. in Babywearing. Just wanted to send you a huge hug and let you know that one of my dearest friends, (Meagan) was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer back in September of 2009. On April 1, 2010, she finished treatment and is now cancer free! She's doing beautifully - happy, healthy, and hilarious. We walked with her in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day in Chicago last August and we'll all be doing it again this year. Life goes on, and it goes on so beautifully! This was Meagan's second battle with cancer - she'd had lymphoma as a teenager. I just wanted to share that info with you: SHE KICKED CANCER'S BEHIND (x 2!), AND YOU WILL TOO. Stay strong, and know many people have you in their prayers. xo

  28. Hoping you're out of surgery now, and resting comfortably!! Like Jenny said on FB - if anyone has the moxy to kick this thing's ass, it's you!

  29. Wrapping you in love and peace and joy. You'll be in my thoughts. Much love coming your way.


Seeing your comments makes me smile! Thank you so much =)