And just like that a month goes by!
I really didn't mean to stop blogging, to walk away. But, life does unfortunately get in the way sometimes.
I'm quite busy over at
The Motherhood most days too and then I just need to step away from the computer for the rest of the day!
Anyway, summer is almost here and that makes my heart sing songs of joy! I got a bit of a burn sitting outside on Friday - and that was heavenly! I know, strange right - to think a sun burn is a good thing, but sitting in the sun, with the kids playing around me, oh, it was fantastic! I believe I might be seriously ready to leave the Chicagoland area right now - if we could move somewhere where the sun was out more often!
We've been hit recently by the whole bad economy thing - thankfully not as badly as we could have been. Hubby took a pay cut, so we've been readjusting monthly spending. You'll probably hear chatter for a bit about coupons, being frugal and other ways to save money. But, my husband has a job (and we have insurance) and that is something to be truly grateful for! I may complain about lack of spending money here and there, but know that I do know how lucky we are it was only a pay cut!
We've recently been making videos at our house! I will randomly be linking some of them here. I admit it, I've been having fun! I've learned how to edit them, splice them, put them back together - not if I only I could learn to not shake the camera so much or sound like such a nerd in them I'd be all set. But keep your eyes out for them in the coming weeks. My 9 year old and I have been trying to do some how to kids craft videos, which I must admit had been a blast to have that with her! =)
And now, I will bombard you with pictures, so I hope you enjoy them!

Earth Hour 2009

Yummmmmy chocolate!

a flower for mom!

Sears Tower picture which we took in case we don't get back downtown before the big name change!