Monday, February 27, 2006

Promised Pictures!

The Striped Hat ...

Handed over to my daughter's doll! I'm sorry, but it looks too feminine for my little boy not to mention it's really too tight on him.

Onsie I made for a baby shower gift. I know the heart area looks off, but that is how it is supposed to be. It's kind of bugging me actually! LOL!

Full view

First applique shirt made for my 6 year old

Another baby gift

Full shot

Shirt for my 3 year old

Full view ... not happy with the placement honestly - wish it were up higher

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Finished a hat ...

Thanks to a visiting mother-in-law, I finished a hat for babyboy this weekend and started on another little girls hat to give away.
While it was nice to have someone else there to cuddle with babyboy, read to the girls and all that stuff so I could knit away - the hat is too small @@ Figures. I'm such a dork - I followed the preemie size directions instead of the 0-6 months size. Duh. That's what I get for skimming through original directions while kids are bouncing around me LOL!!
But (and no, no picture yet) it's a hat with stripes and I dont' like the colors I used anyway. So here's hoping it can fit a babydoll of one of my girls! LOL!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Ramblings ...

Okay, I have several pictures I need to up-load to share (mostly some shirts I have embroidered) but maybe after the weekend I will get to that!
I am almost done with the hat for my babyboy ... turns out it's WAY too big, so maybe next year (note to self: check gauge in the future). But it still needs it's pom-poms put on it.
I am trying to take a quilting class that starts in April. However, I need someone to watch the 3 kids and I need it cheap. Something I'm not sure I can find right now. Bummer :-( I want to take the class and the class itself is only $5 for 2 hours once a week for 2.5 months - not bad at all. And hopefully supplies won't be too much. But I can't pay 40 a week for sitting for that and I figure I have to roughly 5 an hour per child? Or maybe I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong anyway!
The other thing I want to do I found today on-line. The Preemie Project. So now I just have to get some patterns, get some yarn and knit away!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Babyboy hat

We have ear flaps!
And just as an aside - these i-cords are the first I've made. Not as bad as I thought they would be ;-)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

a hat a made today for a friend expecting a little girl!
It was a very quick knit for me and almost made me wish I could put it on my babyboy, but alas ... I am making him his own special hat to wear that doens't have frilly brim like this! LOL

Friday, February 03, 2006

New things ...

I am lovin' this shirt!

From a distance!

A new bib ... I will make font bigger next time, but I do like it!
